Is economic globalisation incompatible with national democracy? (Part 1)

The first of a two part essay on the relationship between economic globalisation and democracy, with a particular focus on whether the two can co-exist. Introduction Across the Western world, economic globalisation is under attack. Whether it be Bernie Sanders, Jeremy Corbyn and the author Naomi Klein on the left, or Donald Trump, Marine Le-Pen…

Style, not substance, is the new politics

From Jeremy Corbyn on the left to Donald Trump on the right, from Bernie Sanders in America to Pablo Iglesias in Spain and Marine Le Pen in France, outsider candidates continue to make waves across the western world. And while these politicians are certainly proposing radical (if not always new) ideas, their different policies only…

Should the UK renew Trident?

“If the third World War is fought with nuclear weapons, the fourth will be fought with bows and arrows.”    The decision of whether or not to renew Trident, Britain’s sea-based nuclear deterrent, threatens to tear apart an already deeply divided Labour party. It is an issue that puts Jeremy Corbyn, a long time believer in…

Should the UK stay in the EU?

Hey! I’m Shrey and I will be heading up the Economics section for Pertinent Problems, in addition to writing for my own, personal blog. I’m looking forward to hearing and engaging with your thoughts! In the wake of David Cameron’s spectacular announcement regarding the 2017 EU referendum, the debate regarding the UK’s European Union membership has…

The Iran deal is progressive, not regressive

Last week’s United Nations General Assembly epitomised current relations between the USA and Iran. The handshake between Barack Obama and Mohammad Javad Zarif was the first between a US president and Iran’s top diplomat since 1979. But whilst it marked an historic step forward in Western-Iranian relations, it was nonetheless met with hostility from religious…

There is no remedy in sight for Syria

As I write this, Russia is not only conducting airstrikes against ISIS, but against the enemies of Bashar al-Assad. Considering the UK, US and many other countries don’t think Syria has a future under his regime, it was no surprise then to hear that Barack Obama condemned Putin’s move as “a recipe for disaster“. America’s…

Does immigration help or harm the UK economy?

In light of the recent Calais migrant crisis, I thought it would be appropriate to delve into finding out whether the UK’s current level of immigration can be sustained, and if immigrants are generally giving more than they take. So, let’s get one thing out of the way. Net migration into the UK is increasing….

Reasons why Tibet should be free.

Tibet, a region spanning well over 1,000,000km², has often been a source of ire for the Chinese Government when it comes to internal dissidence. It asserts Tibet was only granted suzerainty at best in the past and that it has always been a part of China. Supporters of Tibetan Independence would contend that Tibet was officially made…

Jammu and Kashmir: a chronic dispute.

Kashmir is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. The Mughals, who once ruled the Indian Subcontinent, called it a ‘Paradise on Earth’. Throughout its colourful history, it has played host to a vast array of cultures and religions, coupled with a scenery like no other. However, in more recent history, Kashmir has been…

Europe’s current situation should be a cause for concern.

In only 3 years [2010-13] approval of the EU from nations such as Greece and Spain have halved. It’s a bit of a sombre way to start an article but hey, I didn’t come up with these figures. It’s the world we live in. Only a few months ago in the Greek Elections, Golden Dawn,…