Owen Smith cannot be the Labour Leader

Is it not better for a country to have two clearly distinct political parties, or is better for one party to attempt to resemble the other in a bid to get elected? Jeremy Corbyn and Owen Smith are the physical manifestations of these two ideas, with the former having vigorously opposed the Conservative Party for…

Ousting Corbyn won’t solve Labour’s core problems

Though the Labour party is in desperate need of a new leader, its real problem is that since Blair it hasn’t known what it is as a party. For Labour supporters or just anyone left of centre, the current state of the party is enough to make you weep. It has a leader wildly out of…

Labour has gone off the rails

The Labour party has been hijacked. Now, I’m sure some of you will be keen to tell me that it was Tony Blair who took the party off its proper course, but the opposite is true. For a party which is plagued with a lack of economic credibility, the early years of Blair are a…

Style, not substance, is the new politics

From Jeremy Corbyn on the left to Donald Trump on the right, from Bernie Sanders in America to Pablo Iglesias in Spain and Marine Le Pen in France, outsider candidates continue to make waves across the western world. And while these politicians are certainly proposing radical (if not always new) ideas, their different policies only…

Should the UK renew Trident?

“If the third World War is fought with nuclear weapons, the fourth will be fought with bows and arrows.”    The decision of whether or not to renew Trident, Britain’s sea-based nuclear deterrent, threatens to tear apart an already deeply divided Labour party. It is an issue that puts Jeremy Corbyn, a long time believer in…

The media is making news, not reporting it

Labour’s cabinet reshuffle has been dominating the news for the past few days. What really ended up becoming an underwhelming restructuring of the party was portrayed as a watershed moment for it. While this really wasn’t the case, it seems that the media has tried its best to make it one (more on that later). What’s the…

The Tories have been presented with a unique opportunity

From George Osborne’s peculiar stance to Boris Johnson’s humour laden speech, this week’s Conservative party conference has undoubtedly had many memorable moments. Most importantly, and also most fascinating of all was David Cameron’s speech. One of his passages went as such: And today, that means entering those no-go zones, where politicians often don’t dare to venture….

The resurgence of Socialism: Valuable or Vile?

A recent poll has highlighted how the youth and young adults are significantly more supportive of socialism than their older counterparts. This feeling, compounded by the rise of two pro-socialist candidates in the UK and US leads me to believe socialism is making a comeback of sorts. How long this trend will last is another question, but…

The rise of Jeremy Corbyn.

In my previous post on Labour’s leadership campaign, I mentioned 3 people who were running for the post. Andy Burnham, Yvette Cooper, and Liz Kendall. Little did I know that minutes before the deadline, a man by the name of Jeremy Corbyn would slip onto the ballot. Many of the people who nominated him did…