Conservatism is in Crisis

In many ways there is great irony to this piece. While we are in the midst of a Republican controlled White House and a Conservative led Westminster there is a large necessity to discuss why the ideologies to which both governments across the Atlantic supposedly adhere to is in crisis. Whilst it is impossible to…


Since the launch of Pertinent Problems last year, we’ve managed to gain over 38000 views and 500 comments, with writers from across the globe contributing to the site. The sheer amount of content we have produced and the considerable exposure it’s received is something we’re all happy about. However, with school looming it is unlikely that…

Editorial: The EU Referendum

Here at Pertinent Problems, we strive to promote free and open debate, and inquiry at the very highest of levels on the global issues that matter. In an EU referendum campaign that has been too close to call, we think it would be helpful to those seeking to gain an understanding of the debate to present…

On Hiatus

As of today, all of us here at Pertinent Problems will be taking a break because of looming exams, and so we will only resume as normal by around mid-June. Aditya, on behalf of the Pertinent Problems team.